Curtis Speaks at Skills USA Kansas Fall Leadership Conference

Curtis The MentalistLearn From Curtis

Curtis The Mentalist delivers a passionate keynote address during the Skills USA Kansas Fall Leadership Conference.

I had a great time this past week as the keynote speaker and guest teacher at the Skills USA Kansas Fall Leadership conference at the Wheat State Camp in Augusta, KS.

Curtis The Mentalist delivers a passionate keynote address during the Skills USA Kansas Fall Leadership Conference.

The conference was a jam-packed two days of presentations, workshops, competitions, interviews, judging,

Curtis speaks at Skills USA conference in Augusta, KS.

games, and fun. Skills USA members and their advisors came from all over the state of Kansas to attend this conference. Some of them were taking a shot at becoming state officers within the organization. A responsibility carefully bestowed upon only a small handful of men and women.
In addition to an opening and closing ceremony keynote address, I had the priviledge of teaching my workshop “How to Super Charge Your Memory” to a very diverse range of students, advisors and faculty. I first demonstrated my ability to memorize an entire 100-page magazine (a current issue of a magazine that was only a day old and fresh off the shelves). The students randomly selected pages from the magazine, and from sheer memory recall alone I was able to tell them the contents and details of any individual page without looking at it. Then I proceeded to tell them exactly how this is done and before they left the workshop they were stunned at their ability to recall the simplest list of random items. I think I had as much fun teaching this workshop at the students did attending it!

Curtis demonstrates some of his fun and unusual abilities during the closing ceremony.

I also had the priviledge of spending a few hours interviewing the individual candidates who were running for state office of Skills USA Kansas. This was a real treat and honor as I met many brilliant and highly motivated young men and women who had so much to offer. While I had no part in the final decisions of selecting the officers, I did my best to judge these lovely young students to the best of my ability and spent some time teaching them how to improve their interviewing skills.
I received so many requests from the students to do some demonstrations of mind-reading and other feats of mentalism that I spent some time during the closing ceremony address entertaining the group with some of my fun and usual mind-reading demonstrations, to include my Gorilla Tape Blindfold Act. The students challenged me on every turn, and I was able to meet each of their challenges with great success.

Curtis and his Gorilla Duct Tape Blindfold. Applied by one of the Skills USA Students.

Curtis performs his Gorilla Tape Blindfold Act for the students at the final ceremony of the convention.

Working with all of these remarkable young people gives me a real hope that the future of the United States is in good hands. I’m looking forward to seeing many of them again and speaking and presenting again at the State Conference in April of 2016!


For more information about how I can bring this type of presentation and workshop to your next conference or event, please fill out the short form below:

About the Author

Curtis The Mentalist

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Curtis Waltermire is an American professional comedy mentalist, mind reader, magician, speaker, actor, singer, entertainer, podcaster, video content creator, grandpa, cool dad and above-average husband. He began entertaining with his own unique style of magic, mentalism, mind-reading and comedy in the mid 1980s.